Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saving with Brandi is on Facebook - time for a Giveaway! - ENDED

This one is over now.I will announce winner soon.

LAST DAY TO ENTER!!! Ends at 6pm tonight. Let's make 100 facebook followers please!!!

In honor of Saving with Brandi finally getting a Facebook feed, I am giving away a $50 Target Gift Card!!!!!
It's easy to enter, just go here and "Like" the new Saving with Brandi facebook page!!!!! Be sure to come back here to the blog and leave me a comment below that you "liked" the new page and how I would know it's you ;-) Don't forget to leave me an email address so that I can contact you if you win.

For additional entries (leave a seperate comment for each entry and an email address so that I can contact you if you win)

1. Email 3 friends and tell them to "Like" Saving with Brandi on Facebook.
2. Post this giveaway on your blog.
3. Follow me via Google Friend connect.

This giveaway ends Feb 27th at 6pm. As long as you can leave comments the giveaway is still open.

Don't forget to enter my Scrubbing Bubbles Prize Pack Giveaway here as well. It ends 2/23.

This giveaway is sponsored by me!


Unknown said... 1


Unknown said... 2

I follow your blog.

TheCuttingEtch said... 3

Like on FB (Brittany Duckett)
thecuttingetch1 at yahoo dot com

TheCuttingEtch said... 4

follow on GFC
thecuttingetch1 at yahoo dot com

Missy said... 5

i like your FB page-missy

Anonymous said... 6

I like you on FB!

Anonymous said... 7

I follow you via Google friend connect.

crftyduchess said... 8

"Like" Saving with Brandi on facebook (Lori Thomas)

crftyduchess said... 9

Follow via Google Friend connect (Lori Thomas)

Debbie's Thoughts said... 10

I already like the New Saving with Brandi FB page - Debbie Ramirez...I left a message!

Debbie's Thoughts said... 11

I emailed 3 friends and asked the to like your FB page.

Debbie's Thoughts said... 12

Follow via GFC

Debbie's Thoughts said... 13

Also follow via Networked blogs and shared on FB and Twitter - @Ispkmymind

Tina said... 14

"Like" the new Saving with Brandi facebook

Tina said... 15

follow you on GFC

Anonymous said... 16

I like Saving with Brandi on Facebook!

Andie said... 17

I like you on FaceBook (Ours His and Mine Make Nine)

Andie said... 18

I follow you on GFC

Unknown said... 19

I clicked like on your facebook page! I also asked 3 other people to like your page as well.

Anonymous said... 20

I'm trying this again - I'll be checking out your page, saving with Brandi sounds fun :)
You know me from MHS in columbia...

mamabunny13 said... 21

I like the new Saving with Brandi facebook page (mamabunny shelor)

mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 22

I emailed 3 friends and asked the to like you on facebook.
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Cindy said... 23

Congrats! I like you on Facebook. Cindy D.
Dove056 at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 24

Hi, I "Like" the new Saving with Brandi facebook page (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said... 25

I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

Cindy said... 26

I follow you on GFC - Cindy...
Dove056 at aol dot com

Crazylicious85 said... 27

I "Like" the new Saving with Brandi facebook page as Allison Lancaster

crazylicious85 AT suddenlink DOT net

Crazylicious85 said... 28

Follow you on GFC as Crazylicious85

crazylicious85 AT suddenlink DOT net

Margie said... 29

I like you on FB (Pixel Berry)
I store my email over in my Blogger profile. Thanks!

Margie said... 30

I'm a GFC follower too.

Erin S said... 31

I LIKE your new page @ erinn arena sluka

Erin S said... 32

GFC follower @ Erinn Sluka

Julie said... 33

like u on fb-Julie S Laws
thanks :)

Julie said... 34

follow blog as jelaws5

Stephanie said... 35

I liked you on Facebook under Stephanie Hirsch

Stephanie said... 36

I am your newest GFC follower! =)

Rosebuds and Ladybugs said... 37

Hey Brandi,
I would love for you to link up your giveaways each week at the Link Up Lounge. This is a great way to introduce your blog to new readers!

Unknown said... 38

LIKE Saving with Brandi on FB [Geri Sandoval]

Unknown said... 39

Follow Saving with Brandi via GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said... 40

I liked you with my biz facebook dr.herman. :)

itzacin at aol dot com

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said... 41

I follow GFC
itzacin at aol dot com

-=This:Envy=- said... 42

I like you on FB (SMorton)

-=This:Envy=- said... 43

And I follow you via GFC

lizashan1024 said... 44

liked you on FB (Shannon Wheeler)

lizashan1024 said... 45

following via GFC

Donna said... 46

I like you on Facebook
Donna Romero

Donna said... 47

I'm following you back from the hop!


Barbara Montag said... 48

Like your new Facebook page (Barbara Montag)
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said... 49

Follow you - Google Friend Connect (Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Stacy said... 50

Like you on fb

gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Stacy said... 51

GFC follower
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Heather said... 52

I liked you on FB.
Heather J
Thanks for the chance!

Heather said... 53

I'm a GFC follower.
Thanks for the chance!

Rebecca said... 54

I liked your facebook page: Becky F.

Rebecca said... 55

I follow via GFC.

Joyce said... 56

Liked your Facebook page:)

Joyce said... 57

Following you with GFC:)

bdiane34 said... 58

I like the new FB page (Becky Horn)

bdiane34 said... 59

I emailed 3 friends and told them to like your page

celia66 said... 60


Barb said... 61

I went & liked you on facebook as barb g. I love target stores! directorylanesuperstore(at)

Barb said... 62

I'm on your google friends connect box on the right. barb g.

ewalsh40 said... 63

Liked you on Facebook under Erin Walsh

ewalsh40 said... 64

Following you on Google Friends under ewalsh


Rita said... 65

Like you on FB as Rita Coleman-Morales

ritaasmom (at) gmail (dot) com

Rita said... 66

I am a GFC follower as Me As Mom

ritaasmom (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 67

I liked your FB page! FINALLY! :)
Katie B (

YWLiang said... 68

Thanks for the giveaway! Great prize :)

I liked you on FB (using my daughter's FB acct: T-n-a Wong)!

Email: yiliang0124[at]

YWLiang said... 69

3 friends on my daughter's FB account liked your FB page! (Julie G., Melissa C., Angela W.)!

Email: yiliang0124[at]

KC said... 70

I liked your FB page as K.C. Rovensky

KC said... 71

I follow you via GFC

Teresa Young said... 72

I like Saving With Brandi on FB
Teresa Young
tmyoung at rochester dot rr dot com

Teresa Young said... 73

GFC follower
tmyoung at rochester dot rr dot com

Dana said... 74

i like you on FB- name Dana Vaughn
danav27 at gmail dot com

erica said... 75

I liked you on FB - Erica Ardali

indypassionlady at gmail dot com

erica said... 76

follow via GFC - Erica Ardali

Indypassionlady at gmail dot com

erica said... 77

Posted to my blog -

indypassionlady at gmail dot com

kellyr78 said... 78

I liked your FB page (kelly Delrosso)

kellyr78 said... 79

Blogged & linked giveaway #8 at


Shooting Stars Mag said... 80

I liked your page as Lauren Becker

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said... 81

i follow you via GFC

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

@nola727 said... 82

Thanks for the giveaway chance! I like your new page on facebook as:

norleans louisiana

nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

@nola727 said... 83

I follow you on GFC!

nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

3. Follow me via Google Friend connect.

Giveaway Lady said... 84

I became a friend on FB as Charity. Please enter me in this giveaway:) Thanks!


Giveaway Lady said... 85

I also emailed three friends. Would have cc'd you but didn't see your email.


Sarah Osborne said... 86

I like your FB page!
Sarah Taylor Osborne

Sarah Osborne said... 87

I follow you via GFC!

Sarah Osborne said... 88

I blogged!

Darcy said... 89

Liked your page! Darcy Zalewski (left a comment too)

darcyzalewski at gmail dot com

Darcy said... 90

GFC follower Darcy
darcyzalewski at gmail dot com

Mandy said... 91

i like your new page on facebook-Mandy Hatch Agnello

Mandy said... 92

I follow on GFC

Deanna said... 93

I "Like" the Saving with Brandi Facebook page.

(email in profile)

Deanna said... 94

I follow on GFC via Twitter(same user name.)

Shannon said... 95

I like you on FB. Shannon Wieneke shannonforpeace(at)

Shannon said... 96

Emailed more then 3 friends!! told them to like your page!

Diana said... 97

I like your new Saving With Brandi FB page
Diana Bradford Hatch

Hillary said... 98

I like you on FB! (Hillary Ghani)
hillary.ghani at gmail dot com

Hillary said... 99

I follow via GFC
hillary.ghani at gmail dot com

Jennifer Herrington said... 100

I like your new facebook page!
Jennifer W Herrington

Jennifer Herrington said... 101

I follow you on GFC.

kinnairdkath said... 102

katherine kinnaird likes Saving with Brandi on fb

kinnairdkath said... 103

katherine kinnaird is Follow Saving with Brandi gf blog follower

Shawn said... 104

I like you on facebook.
Shawn A


Shawn said... 105

I follow you on GFC.


Beckeesdeals said... 106

I like your new page (Beckee E Johnson)
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 107

I Like your blog on Facebook
(claudia n)
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 108

I Follow you on Google Friend Connect
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 109

Liked you on FB,

Janet W. said... 110

I like your new Facebook page!
Janet Watson

Janet W. said... 111

I follow you on Google Friend Connect!

kerismommy said... 112

I like your FB page (amy lynn)

Baby Mama said... 113

liked you on fb
sarah hinhart

Baby Mama said... 114

gfc sarah_roxy_21