Saturday, April 30, 2011

St Louis - Little Hills Winery $30 voucher for only $5 still available!

$15 for $30 Worth of Food and Drink at Little Hills Restaurant & Winery

If you missed this deal yesterday, it's still available today!

$15 for $30 Worth of Food and Drink at Little Hills Restaurant & Winery

Voucher is valid the same day as it is sold.

WOW! Use coupon code MDSTLVP and you can get this deal for only $5!

I have dined here before and the food is AMAZING!

Go here for all the details.

1 comment:

Kelly @Indiana Inker said... 1

Hello! Stopping by and following from the Money Saving Monday Blog Hop.

Stop by, look around and say "hi".

Have a great week,
