Monday, September 19, 2011

Baby Tips....

I have had lots of baby questions lately. Seems everyone is having babies!

I am done having babies. My daughter is 3 years old and she is a blast. She is just what I wanted when I thought about having children! I have 2 bonus kids from my husdand's previous marriage - a 13 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. I have been in their lives since they were 5 and 8.

I am wondering what your best tips are for anyone having a baby.

Here are a few of mine.
I LOVE my video baby monitor. I didn't think I would need the video part, but it's wonderful. It's nice to check on her without having to go in and disturb her.

After my daughter grew out of using her receiving blankets, I use one in my car to cover the buckles of the car seat so that they don't get too hot in the sun and burn her.

I cut up others to make rags which I use to clean her up after meals instead of using paper towels.

Getting my daughter on a sleep schedule as soon as I could was a blessing to everyone in the house!

Stock up before the baby gets home! I got my baby washes and such a little at a time with coupons and sales and I was very stocked by the time she arrived. Ask your parents to save you their coupons!

Breast feeding isn't as easy at first as they say it will be. It took a few days to really get the hang of it, but I am so glad that I kept with it! Get a good breast pump!

Start your baby on yogurt when you start baby food. My daughter LOVES Yo Baby yogurt and she still eats it today. It's a wonder food!

The ear thermometers are AWESOME! (much better than the alternative)

Bouncy seats do not have to be so complicated. I got a simple one and it was perfect.

So - what tips do you have for someone having a baby or has a new baby?

Even better - what items did you get and didn't need? (Let's save them some money!)

1 comment:

boys tops said...

It is a common syndrome amongst newborns that they will nap intensely during the day and then remain energetic during the night. This is very difficult for parents who are desperate for sleep.