Saturday, March 9, 2013

Soft Scrub Total Review and Giveaway

Purex Insiders sent me another great product!
I have to be honest, I don't love to clean, it's a part of life, but I do love my house to look good and smell great! The lemon scent of this new Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Bath and Kitchen lemon cleanser makes my kitchen smell fresh and clean.  It's gentle on my counters and has less residue making it easier to rinse off after cleaning. The new bottle and cap design improve dispensing and reduce spills.
I don't know what it's like for you guys being a mom. I am a mom of a 4 year old and I have 2 bonus teens from my husband. I try to teach my 4 year old to clean up after herself, but anyone with a preschooler knows what a difficult task that can be. I am here to let you know, it doesn't get easier as they get older, haha!
Summer is coming and I work full time. That means that the teenagers will have the house to themselves for hours a day while we are at work (ok, when I say hours, I mean the hours that they are actually awake which is only about 4 since they don't roll out of bed until 11am or noon some days). There are too many days when I come home and I can tell what someone has eaten for breakfast or lunch because there are still remnants of it on the table or counter.
I have tried Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Bath and Kitchen cleaner on a few of the spills the past week (I had pics, but they really don't do it justice because my counters are a light color). I love that it gets up even the stickiest messes that my 4 year old can create and the spills that have been there for hours before I even knew about them. I haven't tried it on the bathroom yet since it's been so good in the kitchen, but I am sure it would make my bathrooms sparkle too.
If you want to learn more about Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Bath and Kitchen cleanser or any of the other Soft Scrub products, you can visit their website here or their facebook page here.
Soft Scrub is hosting a sweepstakes where 1 grand prize winner will win $1000 and a year's supply of Soft Scrub. 250 additional winners will each win a coupon for a free bottle of Soft Scrub. You can go here to enter to win.
Now for the fun part. I have 3 coupons to give away to my readers. 3 winners will each win 1 coupon to try any Soft Scrub product !
Mandatory Entry:
Tell me which room you want to clean first with Soft Scrub Total Kitchen and Bath Cleanser
Additional Entries
Like Soft Scrub on Facebook here and let them know Saving with Brandi sent you
Like Saving with Brandi on Facebook here
Enter the Soft Scrub Sweepstakes here and let me know you did it
Giveaway ends 3/23.
Disclosure - I was sent the product for my review. I was not financially compensated. All opinions are 100% my own.


debijackson said... 1

the bathroom debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

debijackson said... 2

fblikeu as debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Lori Thomas said... 3

the bathrooms

ctymice at gmail dot com

Lori Thomas said... 4

entered sweepstakes

ctymice at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 5

I would use it on the bathroom
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 6

I like your blog on facebook ( claudia n)
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 7

I entered the sweepstakes

dealsfan32 at gmail dot com

Candice said... 8

I like you on Facebook.

Candice said... 9

Entered the sweepstakes.

Candice said... 10

I would use it in the bathroom.

Charity and John said... 11

I would clean the bathroom first!
primabee at hotmail dot com

Charity and John said... 12

I like you on Facebook as Charity L.
primabee at hotmail dot com

Charity and John said... 13

I liked them on Facebook and told them you sent me!
primabee at hotmail dot com

Megan Parsons said... 14

The bathroom!
makeighleekyleigh at

Megan Parsons said... 15

I already like soft scrub on fb and I told them thanks for the giveaway on your site!

jakiesmom said... 16

my kitchen

Megan Parsons said... 17

I liked you on fb
makeighleekyleigh at

jakiesmom said... 18

entered sweeps

Megan Parsons said... 19

I entered the sweeps
makeighleekyleigh at

Jessica To said... 20

I need to clean my bathroom first!
reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

Jessica To said... 21

I like you on facebook.
reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

Amy Z said... 22

I would clean the kitchen first.

flutterby2188 at yahoo dot com

Luna Moon said... 23

The main bathroom that all the guests use.
Burningmoonproducts AT

Luna Moon said... 24

I like you on facebook

Sarah T said... 25


thompsonfamily082209 at gmail dot com

steve weber said... 26

clean the bathroom first.

groogruxking40 at gmail dot com

steve weber said... 27

entered the softscrub sweepstakes

groogruxking40 at gmail dot com

D Cheatle said... 28

I want to clean the bathroom first!

lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

D Cheatle said... 29

I like softscrub and showed some comment love

lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

D Cheatle said... 30

I like you on facebook

lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

Anna F said... 31

I like to clean my kids bathroom!!!
frugalohio at gmail dot com

Anna F said... 32

Like their fb site and commented that you send me
frugalohio at gmail dot com

Anna F said... 33

I like you on FB
frugalohio at gmail dot com

Amy Orvin said... 34

The Bathroom, please.

Amy Orvin said... 35

Liked Soft Scrub on Facebook as Amy Orvin . I also let them know Saving with Brandi sent me.

Amy Orvin said... 36

Liked Saving with Brandi on Facebook as Amy Orvin

Amy Orvin said... 37

I entered the Soft Scrub Sweepstakes as Amy Orvin ,

Anonymous said... 38

kid's bathroom

Libby said... 39

I'd attack the kid's bathroom first.

Francine Anchondo said... 40


fmd518 at gmail dot com

Cheryl G said... 41

The first room I want to clean is the bathroom.

Cheryl G said... 42

I like SoftScrub's facebook page (Cheryl Grandy)

Cheryl G said... 43

I like your facebook page.

Anonymous said... 44

I'll clean the kitchen first

Anonymous said... 45

I'll clean the kitchen first

Anonymous said... 46

I like Soft Scrub on FB

Anonymous said... 47

I like you on FB

Anonymous said... 48

I entered the sweepstakes

CSeppala said... 49

I'd clean the kitchen first.

CSeppala said... 50

I liked Saving with Brandi on Facebook.

CSeppala said... 51

I entered the Soft Scrub Don't Worry, Be Happy Sweepstakes.